Shapeheart  commits

Each year, the European Sustainable Development Week gives us the opportunity to reflect on our impact on the planet and explore new, more eco-friendly alternatives.

This event brings together individuals, companies, and organizations from around the world to promote a more sustainable future. At Shapeheart, we take this event to heart. It’s an opportunity for us to think of new ways to contribute positively to change.

    This year’s theme: "Restore our Earth, our responsibility"

    The European Sustainable Development Week reminds us every year that we have the power to contribute to the restoration of our Earth and the protection of its resources.
    Want to know more about our commitments? We’re here to explain everything!


    High quality and durable.

    At Shapeheart, our commitments lie in creating durable and high-quality products. The goal of this approach is to fight against overconsumption. This is achieved, in particular, through the use of eternal magnets, which do not wear out or break. Our products are designed to accompany you over the long term and never let you down. It's our way of contributing to waste reduction.


    Reduce for the best.

    From product design to packaging, we are committed to making real, meaningful changes! We've decided to completely eliminate plastic from our packaging and minimize their size as much as possible.

    This reduction in packaging size has several advantages: it reduces resource demand and lowers transportation costs. By adopting smaller, environmentally friendly, and recyclable packaging, we're contributing to a more responsible approach.


    Inclusion and mutual support

    The digital world has its perks, but local commerce is still thriving! You can now find Shapeheart products in over 5,000 points of sale across Europe, in both small and large stores.

    It's an example of our commitment to supporting both major retail chains and small local businesses, helping them stay afloat. The essence of Shapeheart lies in inclusion, which is why we are dedicated to making our products accessible to as many people as possible, offering affordable prices and one of the best value-for-money ratios on the market.

    Our commitments aren't just words; they also translate into concrete actions. It's our way of contributing to minimizing our environmental impact and continuously improving this approach.

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