Use our metal plate?

Some time ago, we set out to create the world's thinnest phone holder!

As an alternative to our pouches, the adhesive metal plate is the world's thinnest universal adapter, measuring just 1.5 mm thick. We tested it for several months before its launch. The whole team was delighted, so we decided to market it!

There are a few things you need to know to get the most out of the metal adhesive plate.

Key points for using metal adhesive plates

Gluing the plate

When bonding adhesive to your smartphone shell, it's very important to clean the shell thoroughly and let the bonding process rest. We recommend that you leave it overnight to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

The different hull surfaces

Depending on the cases of smartphones, the adhesive will stick more or less well (on textured cases), or not at all (on textile protections). It is very variable and there is no adhesive that sticks as strongly as our magnets on any surface. If ever the adhesive comes off, the best thing to do is to clean the surface of your plate and your case of smartphone, then stick the plate with super glue or epoxy glue.

Fixing the magnetic dock on your handlebar

Make sure the magnet is firmly attached to your bike/motorcycle/backup. If you use rubber bands, the dock will tend to come with your smartphone more easily when you remove it, making the bonding work unnecessarily. Instead, use the strap to keep the dock firmly attached to your handlebar.

How to remove the smartphone from the magnet

It is important to be very careful how you remove the smartphone from the magnet. It is very important to use a leverage movement (like uncapping a bottle) and never pull in the direction of the magnet, i.e. vertically. We recommend holding the metal plate with a finger on either side of the plate when you pick up your smartphone.


The plate does not absorb vibrations

Please note that, unlike the pockets supplied in our packs, the adhesive metal plate does not protect against vibration.

The phone is anchored in the stem of the bike or the handlebars of the motorcycle, so there's a risk to the optical stabilizer.
When you use our pockets, your smartphone is not anchored, so it's the pocket and the magnet that absorb the vibrations. We've explained how to avoid breakage here!

If you follow these tips, you'll have no problem using the metal plate :)

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